Smartmontools in Windows

Last modified: May 25, 2010

1 - Summary
2 - Dependencies
3 - Smartmontools installation
4 - Smartctl examples
5 - Service configuration
6 - Service check

1 - Summary

This guide will show how to install smartmontools in Windows. Smartmontools
can run tests can run tests to monitor the SMART of hard disks. This has been
tested in Windows NT4, 2000, XP and 2003 using ATA and SATA hard drives.

2 - Dependencies

You will need to have Windows configured to send emails using Blat. Also, it's
helpful to know what type of hard disk the computer has. I'm not sure how to do
this in Windows NT4, but in the rest of the operating systems you can find this
out by doing the following. Type the following in at the Run button on the Start
Menu. This will open the device management console.
Expand Disk drives to find the hard disks in the computer.

Disk drives
Now, with the model of the hard drives find out if they are ATA, SCSI or SAT. 3 - Smartmontools installation Download the smartmontools Windows package at Run the installer and keep the type of install set to Full. I set the destination folder to C:\Program Files\smartmontools.
Smartmontools installation options
Register the smartmontools service by clicking Service install, eventlog, 30min.
Register service
After running this you will get a message that says the smartd service has been successfully registered. 4 - Smartctl examples Here are some basic examples of things you can find with smartctl. The command shown below enables SMART on the hard disks.
Enables SMART
This command prints the device model number, serial number, firmware version, and ATA Standard version/revision information.
Hard disk information
This command prints the SMART health status.
Health status
This command runs a SMART short self test.
SMART short self test
This command lists the log of selftest results.
Log of self test results
5 - Service configuration Set it so that the smartmontools service will start when the system starts up. In Windows NT4 go to the Control Panel and double-click on Services. In the other operating systems open the services management console by typing the following at the Run button on the Start Menu. services.msc Set the SmartD service to have it's startup type to be Automatic.
Service starts at boot
The configuration file that the smartmontools service will use is the following file. C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin\smartd.conf You can create your own configuration file. Here is a simple example. This will disable Autosave and will schedule a short self-test between 8-9 PM every night and send warnings or errors to the email address provided. Scheduled tests are run after the default scheduled device polling, which by default is every thirty minutes after the smartmontools service is started. /dev/sda -d ata -S off -s S/../.././20 -m -a Navigate to C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin and make a backup of the smartd.conf file. Afterwards, edit the smartd.conf file. Open a command prompt and start the smartd service.
Start up service
The service has successfully started. 6 - Service check Reboot your computer. Log in like normal and check to see that the smartmontools service is running. Open the services management console by typing the following at the Run button on the Start Menu. services.msc Check to make sure that the smartmontools service has started.
Service check
That's it, now you have smartmontools running in Windows.

Last modified: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 UTC
Packetwatch Research 2002-2024.